Day 3: Before I get started its important to a make fact known. I suffer from late night hour hunger symptoms. . . which pretty much means i wake up at strange hours of the night or morning and have to eat a full meal. My previous roommates can verify the packed lunches i bring to bed with me and the crinkling noises of chip bags in the late night. Last night was such an occasion. I was up studying until about 1:30am and the hunger hit me. Lace was asleep so i had to make something quietly. I started into an extensive meal that I was craving. Right as it was finishing up i wanted to exercise some self control. I knew lace loved this dish, so I made myself a PB&J and put the pasta in a tupperware for her lunch. There wasn't enough to make 2 servings, it was more like 1.5 servings, and something I believe strongly in is the "satisfaction rule". The satisfaction rule is something I made up about smaller quantities of food or beverages. If there is only a cup or two of milk in the jug, just finish it! Don't leave a half an ounce for me to get my hopes up and then leave me unfulfilled and unsatisfied. So that was the case with the pasta. I was dying for it, but Sacrifice is Love.
The Photography ins't great, but you get the idea
Sun Dried Tomatoes
Mozzarella Cheese
Mozzarella, Pesto, Garlic, Sund Dried Tomato, Rosemary, Almond Pasta
PS- If lacee was a golfer, I'd be her caddy