Day 5: First day of Summer Break, made a planter box. I'm not really sure what Inspired me to do this, but I thought it would be cool. There is a small background story though. At BYU-Hawaii, there are acres and acres of wild jungle woodland behind the school that lacee and i frequently run in. While Lacee and I were dating I made a clearing a few miles away from campus and planted some berry bushes and some vegetable vines. I would wake up at 4:30am and hike to the spot and work for a couple hours. Lacee and I were together 24/7, so if she noticed I was missing, I would just tell her I went running. However, over a 2 week span, while lacee and I were on the mainland for cross-country races a huge storm desolated my farmland. I came back and nothing was left. All the plants that were about to bare fruit were annihilated. So this is the humble rebirth of that great catastrophy.
PS- If lacee was an ice rink, I'd be here Zamboni. . .
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